November 16, 2022
Presentation of the MAIA project
"The PIA 4 project, "ExcellenceS in all its forms" MAIA - Mastering the Applications of Artificial Intelligence, was presented at the Louvre Lens Vallée, in the presence of numerous stakeholders from the academic, health, and Territoire des Hauts-de-France worlds.
Following the welcoming remarks from the three presidents of the A2U alliance—Pasquale Mammone (Artois), Mohammed Benlahsen (UPJV), and Hassane Sadok (ULCO)—Christophe Lecoutre, a member of CRIL responsible for the Area of Major Interest "Artificial Intelligence," presented the MAIA project of which he is the leader. This was followed by three consecutive round tables: the first of an academic nature, the second on the theme of “Artificial Intelligence and Health,” and the third on “Artificial Intelligence and Territories.”
• Academic round table:
From left to right: Gilles Roussel, Deputy Director of LISIC - Signal and Image Computing Laboratory of the Opal Coast (ULCO); Nathalie Nevejans, holder of the Responsible AI Chair (University of Artois); Gilles Dequen, Director of the Unit of Research MIS - Modeling, Information, and Systems (UPJV); Daniel Le Berre, Deputy Director of CRIL - Computer Science Research Center of Lens (University of Artois); and Adlane Sayede, Director of the Catalysis and Chemistry Unit of Solid - Artois site (University of Artois).
• AI and health round table:
From left to right: Étienne Vervaecke, Director of Eurasanté; Dr. Laurent Tronchon, President of the Medical Commission of the Artois Public Hospitals Group; Aude Schindler, Mission Director at MiPiH - Midi Picardie Hospital Informatics; Philippe Merlaud, Director of the Hospital Center of Arras; Bruno Donius, Director General of the Public Hospitals of Artois; and Michel Lefranc, Professor of Neurosurgery and Director of GRECO - Group of Research and Studies in Robotized Surgery (UPJV).
• AI and territories round table:
From left to right:Thierry Paul, Delegated Rector for the Hauts-de-France Academic Region; Ziad Khodr, Delegated Community Advisor for the Economy and Health Promotion at the Arras Urban Community; Daniel Leca, Vice-President in charge of universities, research, innovation, and Europe of the Hauts-de-France Region; and Sylvain Robert, President of CALL - Urban Community of Lens-Liévin."